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George Washington Carver Atlanta Alumni Association, Inc.



• To assist our Alma Mater in their mission at GW Carver High School (New Schools at Carver or NSC) of educating and fostering young men and women, and preparing them to become productive members of society.

• To assist NSC financially by raising funds through special events for student financial aid assistance.

• To organize the graduates of GWC/NSC through the George Washington Carver Atlanta Alumni Association for the purpose of providing a resource and vehicle for graduates to network, receive vital information, and stay in contact while working together for the benefit of current GWC/NSC students.

OUR GUIDING PRINCIPLE - II Corinthians 8:20-21

20. [For] we are on our guard, intending that no one should find anything for which to blame us in regard to our administration of this large contribution.

21. For we take thought beforehand and aim to be honest and absolutely above suspicion, not only in the sight of the Lord but also in the sight of men.


The history of the GWCAAA has its roots in the 1st Maroon & Gray Ball, which was a vision of Sarah Davenport Alexander, class of 1969. Her dream was to bring Carver Alumni together for the sole purpose of fellowshipping and benefitting the students of George Washington Carver High school. Those alumni who launched the very first Maroon & Gray Ball were:

Sarah Alexander, Sherrine Beasley, Leavonna Roland, Beatrice Soles, Rose Thomas, Myra Appling, Eddie King, Joyce Robinson, Elzenia Shorter, Anna Price, Vivian Mack, Betty Irby, Askia Bashir, & Doris Pate.

These alumni set out to reach out to fellow Carver Alumni in an effort to establish a Carver Alumni Scholarship Fund. The Maroon & Gray Ball was the first event established to bring members of all the graduating classes together. It was held March 22, 2008. The Maroon & Gray Ball subsequently became an annual fundraising event.

The first financial support came from Eddie King, class of 1969 in the amount of $1000.00 to fund and support the 2008 Maroon & Gray Ball. Vivian Mack, class of 71’ and Betty Irby, class of 74’ were also instrumental in financially supporting the Maroon & Gray Ball. In addition to the Ball, an annual Scholarship Breakfast was also established. The first breakfast was held February 21, 2009.

Sherrine Neely Beasley, class of 1969 presented the idea of organizing the Alumni into the George Washington Carver Atlanta Alumni Association. With the help of Mr. Joe Martin, class of 1968 (Askia Bashir), the organization chart was established.

Those first organizers, together with other alumni combined their visions and the GWCAAA was formally established on April 26, 2008 at Carver High School (The New Schools at Carver). The first officers elected were:

  • Samuel Rice, President

  • Beatrice Soles, Vice President (later stepped down mid-term)

  • Tina Robinson was elected as Vice President

  • Sherrine Beasley, Secretary

  • Gwendolyn Jackson, Assistant Secretary

  • Shirley Leach, Treasurer

  • Leavonna Roland, Ass't. Treasurer

  • Eddie King, Events Manager

  • Geraldine Williams, Ass't Events Manager

  • Jerry Anderson, Ass't Events Manager

  • James Brown, Chaplain

  • Darryll Holliday was added later as the Parliamentarian (later resigned post)

A directory of alumni was created and our By-Laws were established and adopted on October 6, 2008.

An emblem, which was voted to become our "official" Alumni logo, was designed and created by Eddie King. This logo is displayed on all of the GWCAAA literature and official sportswear. If you look closely, you will see the C for Carver. Beneath the C is the triple “A” that stands for the Atlanta Alumni Association;

A non-profit status was put in place and a savings trust bank account and P.O. Box number as established in 2007.

During administration of the 2nd president, Renia A. Bell, the organization submitted its Articles of Incorporation in 2011 and applied for 501(c)3 status. We were officially incorporated May 20, 2011. The incorporaters were Renia Abrams Bell, Sherrine Neely Beasley, Shirley Bowens Leach, and Sarah Davenport Alexander.

That same year, in August, 2011, GWCAAA received its 501c3 Non-profit status. Therefore, contributions to charitable causes such as the scholarship program, education enhancements/training are tax deductible.

Our goal for the future of the GWCAAA is to expand our services to reach even more students, providing greater educational opportunities, and eventually adult continuing education/retraining, assistance to edify our alumni and their decendants.

We Invite You to Join Us!

"Working Together Works"

Website Created by: Sherrine Neely Beasley - registered 2010

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